Fountains of the needy
Transitional Housing and Homeless Service

Transitional Housing and Homeless Services

Homelessness has become another challenging epidemic in our communities. There are diverse factors which has contributed to these situations such as economics, increase in population, mental health, aging, breakdown of the family and the likes. Fountains of the Needy will serve as the corner stone to provide temporary homes for individuals and families who are homeless or at the risk of becoming homeless. A good housing stability is one of the essential requirements to address and provide lasting solution to homelessness that will positively impact gradual reduction of poverty, behavioral health, substance, and drugs abuse addiction, as well as domestic violence.

Fountains of the Needy will provide emergency shelters for our clients and families who need short-term stabilization prior to transitioning into permanent housing. Our organization will be operating a program with the aid of our staff and Prevention Assistance and Temporary Housing office (PATH) of the New York City Department of Homeless Services to determine the eligibility and provides those men, women, and children with placement in temporary shelter facilities.

However, we shall be operating residential programs such as transitional and permanent supportive housing which will be facilitated by our service rich environment where our clients will be receiving intense case management. Our case managers will assist the clients identify their strengths and challenges and create an Independent Living Plan (ILP) to achieve their goals in attaining permanent and affordable supporting housing. Hence, the ILP is specific to the individual and may include paths and strategies to not only housing, but standard education, employment, life skills development, budgeting, or securing benefits to which they are entitled.